Double Girder Bridge Crane GDMJ 20t/32,6m for Constellium Extrusions Děčín

Year or realization 2018
Customer Constellium Extrusions Děčín s.r.o.
Place of installation Production hall of Constellium Extrusions Děčín s.r.o., Děčín
Range of delivery
Delivery and mounting of a double girder bridge crane, type GDMJ 20t/32,6m 
Span: 32,6m
Lifting capacity: 20t
Crane group classification: A5
Operation temperature: -5 to +55°C
Is equipped with a GIGA hoist, type GHM 40000-20-4/2-24M,D (without shiftment of the hook in the whole lifting height range)
Lifting height - max. possible / real, above the floor: 24m / 13,4m
Liftting speed: 1...9 m/min 
Hoist travel speed: 0...25 m/min
Bridge travel speed: 0...32 m/min
Control: radio with two-position joysticks, with a sling for the fixation around a waist
The electric switchboard is equipped with an air conditioning unit for ambient temperature up to +55°C.
The crane is equipped with an external display for the displying a load weight (technological weighing)

Nakládka a expedice nadrozměrného jeřábu GDMJ 20t/32,6m

GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_expedice_1GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_expedice_2GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_expedice_3GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_expedice_4GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_expedice_5GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_expedice_6

Montáž a zkoušení jeřábu GDMJ 20t/32,6m

GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_01GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_02GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_03GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_04GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_05GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_06GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_07GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_08GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_09GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_10GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_11GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_12GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_13GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_14GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_15GDMJ 20t-32,6m_5319-18_montaz a zkousky_16

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